Day Twenty Eight of Lockdown
It is 12+ hours later:
An early start for PCR Testing; A friendly volunteer patrols the line; The line is longer now;
Near the testing site the way is taped, keep the distance 2m apart; Ningbo Medical Volunteers, they are efficient and lovely; A batch of exposed Test vials;
Forsythia! (It actually is… movie dejavu…) We are given TCM Medicine – I wonder how and when to take it… A moment of brightness, a lovely neighbour gave me some green tea, a welcome colourful moment, apparently one should drink green tea before Qing Ming; I am a night owl, the start of the day was too early… I’m going back to bed. 💤 💤 💤
An old poem of mine comes back to haunt my thoughts…
The blackness, the blackness,
Dark and dank, with murky,
Musty dampness, this blackness…
I was maintaining a collection of my early works on Angelfire, but their hostile and aggressive advertising policy, has made it almost impossible to read any, free hosted, webpage located on it. Which is a shame because it is the site of my first online presence which I’ve maintained ever since I went online. I now host my works here, if you have the interest to explore them: