Day Forty Two of Lockdown
The days are starting to blur one into the other. Wake up, make tea, look out the window, scan the phone for community notices… yes, another antigen test today, this time with a mobile service.
I put tea from an aluminium pot, a family heirloom, almost as old as I am; The volunteers continue to deliver daily goods; It’s Afternoon now, and the building block has been called;
We test at a table; There are a great many, “medical” staff on hand today, the CDC has out done itself; Today’s tests are decimal, ten tests per vial;
The community passed the hat around to buy two carts for the mobile testing, this is one of them; Do the volunteers discuss their next move? Or take a moment to share a joke… I know not; End of the day, a lovely surprise from a neighbor… a tea pendant… The tea is pressed into a pendant shape – it is not meant to be drank. Bliss…
I wanted to write something about “42” to being the answer, to the Ultimate Question about Life, the Universe, and Everything, but in the end… I couldn’t be pfaffed.