Dark Tea, Today's Tea

Yún Nán Qī Zǐ Bǐng Chá, 云南七子饼茶, Yunnan Qizi Tea Cake

Today’s Tea, 今天的茶 – Spring 2011; var. dàyèzhǒng; Lancang County, Pu’er, Yunnan; leaves only, raw pu’er process, pressed cake; elev. unknown.

Infusion: 5g 200ml for 30-90sec.@95deg. C

Dry leaf aroma: dry, spicy, aromatic, dusky;
Wet leaf aroma: damp forest floor, prunes, dates, raisins, earthy;
Liquor: pale peach colour, with buttery, nutty aroma, with a hint of dried tangerine peel;
Mouthfeel/Taste:creamy, thick, astringent, mildly sweet, late mild bitterness;
Flavour: woodsy, woodear fungus, hints of aged tangerine peel in the finish;

Opinion: A soft, subtle, and enjoyable Tea with a pleasantly teasing bitter fruit finish, that lingers on the tip of the tongue.