So… today… Three calendar months ago, we were put into quarantine control and, “Stay at Home” Lockdown. This past week has been a cautious, “Liberation” to some respect. There are changes to how we interact in the community, and staunch recommendations that few pay more than, lip service to.
Here are a few photos from the past week, as a cautious retrospective. Where do we go to from here? There are more places downtown locked up again… so who knows?
The South Gate appears deserted; The Store at the heart of our first lockdown is open again; And online delivery arrives, loose shipment, open box… how do you sterilized that, Or secure it against theft?

The RT Mart Community Shuttle Bus picks up passengers once more; Store commerce is starting to return, puffed rice and grain products for sale… they are a simple delight; I’ve had enough today, Time for beer and chips.