“’A period of Forty Days signifies the completion in the realization of an event.’ (Fr. Charles Nicholas Baz) When something, specifically an event, is practiced and remembered for 40 days, it makes it real and present in our daily lives. It becomes sealed in our works and etched in our memory…” (source: https://www.christianity.com/wiki/bible/40-days-and-40-nights-in-the-bible-importance-today.html)
Is this real enough for you? Is this the, “New Normal,” that those who claim to lead us, spoke about for so long? We were two days out from the end of the third 14 Day cycle, and again we’ve been informed of another, “Positive,” case in our compound. The clock has been reset once again.
I’ll end with this sage warning, “Beware the light at the end of the tunnel… It could be an oncoming train.”
Morning, a look out from the window, oh! We’re testing again; “Building 35 over this side, move to this side”; The morning’s rubbish awaits collection, still;
A family returns from testing as we wait for the go ahed call; The sky… when is the last time I saw it so blue, the clouds so white…; Hello?!? There are figs growing on this tree, figs! How exciting;
We do individual tests today; The nurses work efficiently; The, “Boys in Blue…” The meaning of that has change greatly since I was a child.