Quarantine, Travel, Tsc Tempest Photography

Day Twenty of Lockdown

The Lockdown Continues. The powers that bee keep rolling over the 2+2 Testing regime, or so it seems. There seems to be an arbitrary exercise of power at play. But who’s, and at what level?

Dissatisfaction grows within the community. Envious eyes see tainted images of unfair treatment. Generalizations based on incomplete information, ill-informed prejudices, and verging on misplaced outrage foments, “fake news.” Tolerance, and personal filters are wearing thin… But I digress…

How to drink tea if it stays not in the cup? The gate remains closed; The food truck now has a twin;

Special Delivery, a care package of Craft Beer brewed in Shanghai; and, some Hühnerfrikassee sent by my family; but what to do in Lockdown? Some go fishing;

some do group exercise (no, they are not dancing); for others, it’s somebody else’s problem… … … Latex gloves…