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Day Sixteen, Month Three

FREEDOM! [bullsh*t, bullsh*t, bullsh*t…]

No! Today? One Family member is allowed to leave the compound, for up to 6 hours, and on return, not go out again. One exit, one entry, one per family, end of story.

In the morning, the rotunda and it’s covered gallery’s are deserted; At midday people charge the gate; I was stopped, the dog cannot go, I informed the volunteers that the dog has a Vet appointment, several discussions later I am allowed to go with the dog… The view from outside the main South Gate;

At the corner, an empty bus does its rounds, it cannot pick up passengers; Outside our local minimart all the flowers and plants are dead… A courier uses the real estate agent’s entry as a temporary home;

We are allowed one visit within 1 1/4 hours to the local supermarket, there are not many people here… surprise; The most crowded area in the store is the meat counter; I pick up the dog from the beer, grab a beer and, slowly, reluctantly, make my way home.

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