We are in transition. Today the notice came that our compound is moving from Controlled Area to Precautionary Area, yet we still are in advisory lockdown, no one can leave the compound.
6:00 am Time to take Toby (头哔, Little Beep) for a quick walk; A conflict between two middle aged men draws a crowd, Mr Baseball Cap wears his mask around his chin and does a lot of shoving… volunteers rush to calm the situation – good job, well done; Macro shot of my Tea cup, sitting on the window sill in the sun;

Another 10:1 PCR Test today, the volunteer recognizes Toby and asks his name; The doctors/nurses have become quite efficient at their task, the Sampling takes scant seconds; At the end of the day, all the medical refuse must be taken away;

A surprise delivery, each household is given a 5kg bag of Organic Chongming Island Rice; This is the first rodent that I’ve seen here in two years, a good thing it’s dead, but where there’s one; A positive development? Courier services are being reinstated, but… smoking maskless and chatting at a 1m distance… makes me scratch at both ends.