Day Forty One of Lockdown

Easter Sunday. Not everyone observes the religious aspect of this day. ‘And It’s much more difficult for young children to engage in the, “Bunny Fun” also associated with this day.  For me the morning is just another blur… “Any procedural news for today?” Yes, line up for another test…

Home made bread as toast, with stir-fried ginger shrimp and scrambled eggs; The Testing continues; The blue suits come to door, with a megaphone howling, for us to come down;

Scanning QR codes, the light is sometimes too bright to get an accurate identity reading; A volunteer sits and surveys the line, but they are generally good natured and friendly; This time we are group tested, we are not handed either a vial or a sticker;

Another volunteer takes a brief rest; The sun is shining, it is too good not to enjoy with a good craft beer; I sit on the window sill and listen to music, drinking one of my last good beers…

Happy Easter.

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