Food, Today's Sandwich, Tsc Tempest Photography

Today’s Sandwich – Field Mushroom, Beefsteak Tomato and Buffalo Mozzarella on an English Muffin

Mushroom Tomato & Mozarella Muffin

Something simple today. Heal of an English Muffin – toasted and buttered; 2 slices of buffalo mozzarella – split and arranged to cover the muffin; Beefsteak Tomato – fried in butter, with salt and cracked black pepper; 2 field mushroom Caps – top halves browned in the pan with butter; topped with a sprig of lemon thyme.

Canon 7D, Backlit by window light; front fill using room lighting; gold reflector fill from camera left. Props: Granite Mortar, Iron trivet, potted thyme, vine tomatoes, field mushrooms, silicone spatula, melamine platter.