Day Ten – Under Quarantine, Again!

The sky, weeps with the tears of the Earth, for it knows we will be in Lockdown… again. 

Today, would be Day 10 of our initial lockdown — we were released! But, we were told we would still need to do the initial Day 14 NAT – seemed like a fair deal to me. However, a new directive has us now doing two more tests under confinement, tomorrow and the day after.

Deliveries are collected from the main gate; Pacific Pale Ale in a sea of bubble wrap; Some beers to drink but there is no anticipation;

The rain doesn’t want to fall, it clings to whatever it can; It is dark, even in the middle of the day; A view of the street in the other direction;

My dishes are as likeminded with the rain… 🤪 the courier takes my parcel away… A brief walk in the dark, the testing tent is partially broken, and  smokers seek shelter out of the rain…

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